The GDP per capita metric is helpful to gauge the level of economic development within a region, but misleading in that the metric gets skewed by extraction-based industries like mining and oil (which is why Botswana, Namibia, and Gabon) are higher than their neighboring countries).
Visual Capitalist has published a map of the per-capital GDPs of most of the African nations (in most cases rounded to the nearest $1,000). Do keep in mind that $1K is only about $3 per day while $2K is almost $5.50 per day. The difference in quality of life between $3 and $5 is vast.

This map also helps explain why Africa Eats is incorporated in Mauritius and listed on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius. Mauritius is one of the two middle-income counties in Africa, both of which with global financial services industries as a big part of their economies.
From an investment point of view, the question is how long will it be before most of the continent is in green? Most of the fastest growing economies in the world are African countries, so much of the continent could be yellow in the 2020s and then on to green in the 2030s.