1. Why?
2. Me, Myself, or Who?
3. Excitement & Passion
4. The Problem
5. Whose Problem?
6. An Important Problem?
7. Your Solution
8. The Buyer
9. Your Product
10. The Market
11. Pricing
12. Opportunity Size
13. Competition
14. Uniqueness
15. Competitive Advantage
16. Team
17. Marketing
18. Sales
19. Quick Financials
20. The Financial Plan
21. Risks
22. Legalities
23. Fund-Raising?
24. Creating a “Pitch”
25. The Written Business Plan
26. Ready for Market?
27. Measure, Learn, and Update
28. Review & Diving In
B1. Searching for Plan B
B2. Filling out the Canvas
B3. Plan for Failure
B4. The Business Presentation Pyramid
B5. Purpose
B6. Opportunity
B7. Business Model
B8. Financial Plan
B9. Competition
B10. Immediate Needs
B11. Explaining your Business
B12. Example Pyramid